Online Marketing

Rheena Stirm Posted by Rheena Stirm on January 30, 2015

How Mindful Is Your Marketing? Truly Connecting with Your Audience

How Mindful Is Your Marketing? Truly Connecting with Your Audience

How Mindful Is Your Marketing? Truly Connecting with Your Audience

In sectors jaded by traditional marketing, a personal touch is needed. 

If you’re marketing to the high tech sector, the marketing tactics that work so well for most demographics could be your undoing. Those in the tech industry are bombarded with marketing messages to the point they have become not just blind and deaf to them, but often disdainful of them. If you want your products to win a share of this audience, your marketing must truly connect.

What IT Pros Say about the Marketing Messages They Receive

IT pros don’t even look at white papers anymore. They just don’t have the same impact they once did. The tech industry is no longer a small niche market that relies on white papers to find out about the latest trends or products. IT is everywhere now.

Just about every company has an IT pro on staff who, incidentally, has many colleagues to ask when it comes to a particular product or solution. Rather than read a white paper or spend hours researching information on your website, IT pros go to their friends in the industry and ask them about solutions. You may not even hear a peep from an IT pro until he’s already made his purchase decision. According to research, most of them are 66 to 90 percent through the purchase decision before ever contacting you.

How to Target the Tech Market

So, if the decision is already made, why are you spending so much effort into casting a wide net and offering 1st-stage information to potential buyers? Your focus should be on the advanced stages of the buying process. But that’s only part of the solution. You also need to be connected with the audience in a truly meaningful way. This connection may be the only path that leads today’s IT pros to your door if you’re in a niche with strong competitors. You need a way to connect that makes IT pros think of you, even when other solutions are available.

Don’t Sell – Engage

Being the first to come to mind for IT pros when they need what you sell means already having a personal connection. You need to have contact with prospects, engage in personal conversations and make real human connections. And when those contacts needed something, going to you will be the easiest and most pleasant way to fill their purchasing needs.

First, you have to be in the places where IT pros connect socially. Second, you have to be ready and able to help solve their problems, even when they have nothing to do with your tech. Engage in water-cooler talk, empathize with the problems the target audience faces and when opportunity arises, help them solve those problems. Staying in tune in this way also helps you understand the needs of IT pros as they evolve, helping you target your messaging and development to fit those needs.

Let efelle creative help you create stronger connections with your audience.

Efelle creative isn’t just about web design or SEO. We’re a creative marketing agency that understands the full range of marketing necessary to compete in today’s online world. Call us at or use our online contact form to arrange for a free marketing consultation