Company News

Courtenay Adams Posted by Courtenay Adams on November 30, 2018

It's efelle's 13th Birthday and We're Celebrating the Past, Present, and Future of Seattle Web Design

It's efelle's 13th Birthday and We're Celebrating the Past, Present, and Future of Seattle Web Design

Have You Heard? efelle creative Has Officially Been in the Online Marketing Game for 13 Years!

That's 13 years of putting our clients first, creating kickass, award-winning websites, and developing game-changing digital marketing strategies that attract and convert.

That's also 13 years of sharing awesome team experiences that have culminated in a second-to-none present day company culture.

To celebrate efelle’s birthday, we’re taking a walk down memory lane and sharing some “heard around the office” quotes to show off just how awesome—and sometimes ridiculous—our company is. Working at efelle creative is a singular experience that challenges us daily, keeps us inspired, and exposes us to a variety of ideas and experiences.

Here’s to you, efelle creative!

(For full experience, please enjoy this post while listening to our Fridays at efelle creative Playlist on Spotify. And let us know if there are any awesome songs you think we should be listening to on the regular. Specifically, pump-up jams are very much encouraged.)

The efelle Experience in Pictures and Words


I kept the following quotes—intermixed with random fun photos—anonymous because of all the James Dean types at the office that don’t want to come off as overly sentimental. We’ve got reputations to uphold, you know?

But for real though, this is what it’s like working at efelle. As with any job, we each experience regular challenges and learning opportunities as we strive to live by the mantra “good enough sucks.” But at the end of the day, we work in a supportive, geeky, cool, fun environment that helps us grow in our professions and stay resilient when Mercury is in retrograde. Enjoy.


“I have never before worked at a company where I literally liked every single one of my coworkers. But, I can honestly say that’s been the case here.”


“I’m glad I work at a place where I learn something new every day. Sometimes it’s job related (how to write better code, how to work better with Adobe Creative Suite). Sometimes it’s not (what the best kind of Werthers candy is, what some cool new songs are).”


“At efelle, more so than any other place I’ve worked, I find that my peers and management take time to truly ensure I focus on work/life balance. Even when things get stressful, I feel supported.”


“Working at efelle brings you a great deal of the unexpected. Some days we’ll walk in and there’ll be thirty unopened bags of caramels on the counter, completely unexplained.”


"Working at efelle gives me the opportunity to be surrounded by talented professionals in an environment that allows me to constantly grow. Every day, I get to learn something new."


“Where else can you work where there’s a fully functioning arcade game and a team full of .gif connoisseurs?”


“Nothing makes me happier than when Catarina introduces me to a new keyboard shortcut. My keyboard shortcut game has never been stronger.”


“efelle is great for so many reasons: The people are fun AND good at what they do. There’s always an abundance of coffee, and you can count on getting cake on a monthly basis. On a more serious note, our custom design and development processes make each project a unique, interesting, and fun challenge.”


“Mostly I’m here to follow Adrianna on her path toward discovering the true meaning of ‘ravioli.’”


An Ode to Our Clients (Who Allow us to Do What We Do in the World of Website Design and Development)

In all seriousness, we’re so grateful for each and every one of our clients. You all are the reason we get to come into work every day and do what we do best: design, build, and market amazing websites. You are the reason we get to advance toward our mission of making the internet a more beautiful place, you keep us on our toes, and you bring fresh ideas to the table that inspire us to innovate and level up. If you’re curious to know what we’ve been up to lately, drop us a line. Better yet, let us know how things are going with you. We welcome all feedback and absolutely love hearing from clients, past, present, and future.

Before we peace out, here's one last photo for the road:


“This is literally the day i started the company—like, 2 minutes after finalizing the paperwork. That photo was Nov 27, 2005.” (Fred Lebhart)