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Kerry Sweeney Posted by Kerry Sweeney on July 12, 2013

The Ideal Social Media Marketing Workflow

The Ideal Social Media Marketing Workflow

Social Media MarketingThe Ideal Social Media Marketing Workflow

Step by step efficiency for your social media marketing strategy

Social media marketing is a part of online marketing and public relations that companies can no longer ignore. Unfortunately, these efforts are time consuming and need attention to detail. It’s important to gain as much efficiency in your workflow as possible to cut the time you spend.

The following suggested workflow comes for years of social media marketing experience. It may not suit every marketer, but it will at least help you think about ways to streamline your efforts.

Don’t take all of these four steps on one social media site and then move to the next. You will lose insights that could be transferred among your social media outlets. Instead, do step one on each of your social media sites before moving onto step two. Consider using a social media management application to streamline your efforts.

1. Log in and Interact

Logging in to your social media sites every day is the wisest course, especially if your social media goals include public relations. Only by checking updates often can you catch consumer complaints early and handle them quickly. For this reason, logging in and checking updates should be the first item on your social media marketing workflow.

2. Respond, Respond, Respond

Responding directly to your customers is very important, especially if they send you a direct message. Interacting every day helps you form more connections and it keeps your finger on the pulse of your ideal consumer. Do this second on your list to prime you for sharing on topics that matter to your audience.

Be personable, friendly and helpful in your interactions, not focused on reciting corporate policies or trying to present a professional image. The idea here is to connect on a personal level with your client base.

3. Post, Share, Stimulate

Now that you know what’s on the mind of your audience, you’re ready to find and share information to help them solve every day problems or just to amuse them. While some marketing messages are okay, such as notifying consumers about your next scheduled sale, the focus should be on helping the consumer, not increasing your sales figures.

Look for items of interest to your audience and link to them. Throw in a few comics or funny pictures for spice and keep marketing messages to a minimum. This is the best way to entertain your audience while attracting new members.

4. Target New Customers

Now that you’ve tidied up your social media pages, it’s wise to hunt down users who are likely to have an interest in your business by searching users and following them. A return follow gets you a new audience member and potential customer.

Following this workflow cuts the time you spend on social media marketing, leaving you free to follow up on your other marketing efforts. You may even save enough time that you can update your social media sites several times a day.

Let our social media marketing experts handle the workflow for you.

efelle’s social media marketing experts are ready to help you with efficient and effective campaigns. Call us at 206.384.4909 or use our online contact form for a free consultation.

See Also:

Blogs and Social Media Marketing: When to Hire a Professional

Take Control of Time Spent on Social Network Marketing